Add a cachy titleOut again today with PIAP (aka child in a fiesta) this time in their neck of the woods at Swanington, nice trail some interesting caches, easy terrain mountain goat had an easy day đ28-5-19-095461045165_643830236088589_42008036985630861126644_338280273527065_76715703524634161093218_183960665875136_81205095185441028-5-19-095428-5-19-095428-5-19-095428-5-19-0954
Out again today with PIAP (aka child in a fiesta) this time in their neck of the woods at Swanington, nice trail some interesting caches, easy terrain mountain goat had an easy day đ28-5-19-095461045165_643830236088589_42008036985630861126644_338280273527065_76715703524634161093218_183960665875136_81205095185441028-5-19-095428-5-19-095428-5-19-095428-5-19-0954